Our People
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At Fenn Wright, we take pride in using our local knowledge and professional know-how to provide industry-leading levels of service that delivers results for our clients time and time again.
123 people found

Hannah Roberts
Commercial Agency & Management Assistant
Location: Stanway
Tel: 01206 986714

Hayman Wheaton
FRICSCommercial Valuer
Location: Stanway
Tel: 01206 216561

Helen Kemp
Sales Progressor/Administrator
Location: Manningtree
Tel: 01206 397222

Isaac Chalk
Residential Sales Negotiator
Location: Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 292100

Jake Richardson
Property Manager
Location: Stanway
Tel: 01206 216554

James Bowden
Lettings Negotiator
Location: Stanway
Tel: 01206 764499

James Gunther
Location: Colchester
Tel: 01206 763388

James Wright
Associate Partner
Location: Chelmsford
Tel: 01245 292826

Jamie Dack
Assistant Branch Manager
Location: Woodbridge
Tel: 01394 333346

Jazmin Turner
Apprentice Residential Sales Negotiator
Location: Felixstowe
Tel: 01394 548700

Jenny Olley
Associate Partner
Location: Sudbury
Tel: 01787 327000

Jeremy Newman
Location: Colchester Business Park
Tel: 01206 854545